Being a Jack of All Trades


A recent tweet by Pieter Levels reminded me of the importance of being a jack of all trades when working on side projects.

It's not enough to be able to good build software, there is a lot more to building a good project than the quality of the software, in fact that's probably pretty low on the list.

Wrote my thoughts on being a jack of all trades:
Mastering the Art of Being a Jack of All Trades

Continuing my learning for SEO skills, I recently completed a build challenge run by the team behind Build the Keyword.

Much like Buildspace's Nights and Weekends challenge, I thought the attrition was interesting.

  • 226 builders signed up for the challenge
  • 145 joined the slack groups
  • 31 projects were completed

Just showing up and doing the work puts you ahead!

If you haven't seen it, I launched AI Tutorials during the challenge, but more on that in a future post.

Still waiting on Spotify to approve PlaylistKit. We've passed 7 weeks, but I have an update, and perhaps not a good one:

Although I thought managing playlists was already an approved use case for the Spotify API, seems like specific use needs future consideration. Really have no idea if/when PlaylistKit will be approved now.

Happy building,

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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