Subscribe for tips and tricks for building your side project, from someone who's built over 100.
Mubs A recent tweet by Pieter Levels reminded me of the importance of being a jack of all trades when working on side projects. It's not enough to be able to good build software, there is a lot more to building a good project than the quality of the software, in fact that's probably pretty low on the list. Wrote my thoughts on being a jack of all trades:Mastering the Art of Being a Jack of All Trades Continuing my learning for SEO skills, I recently completed a build challenge run by the team...
Mubs This week, I've been thinking about who I'm building for. Yes, I'm building a side project for my own reasons (networking, revenue, whatever) but who is the actual project for? What is the Ideal Customer Profile for your project, and why is it helpful to think about that right when you get started. I dig a little deeper into the concept, and how I worked through the process for a previous project: Defining your ICP Featured Side Project I wanted to take a minute to highlight a side...
Hello everyone, Welcome to the all new side project MVP newsletter. I'll still be sharing updates on the projects I'm working on, but not as often as before. Instead, I'll be sharing more insights on building side projects while working a 9-5 job. I took a little time to build the Sideproject MVP website over the past week, where I'll be sharing more content and tools. I built side projects for over 20 years, the first one was in 2001, I've built well over 100 side projects since I started...