Announcing Thumbnail Vote

Excited to announce the launch of Thumbnail Vote.

I had the idea on Wednesday and did the bulk of the work on Thursday, and as usual it takes a little longer than you expect to get things into shape to actually launch.

Keeping things minimal

If you visit the website, you'll see that things are pretty lean. This is the key to getting projects launched quickly.

While there are a lot of features I wanted to add, I kept my list as short possible to launch.

There is no user sign up required to vote on thumbnails, the design is simple and clean, and the pages contains just what is needed to serve the primary feature.

The majority of the work was the code necessary to pull thumbnails from YouTube channels. I wanted to try and automate as much of the site as possible. Once I've added channels to a list, I can automatically import any new videos and their thumbnails as they are published.

I'm launching with about 200 videos/thumbnails in the database, collected from YouTube channels I watch and some recommended because they offer a variety of popular styles of thumbnails.

After my last post, a few readers reached out. They have established YouTube channels, one with over 100K subscribers, who volunteered to help beta any tools I build. Really appreciate the support!

Open to chatting with more YouTubers, just reply and we'll set up a time to chat.

As per usual, this is just the start of the journey, and not the end. Getting consistent traffic to the site, will be key to make it a valuable resource for YouTubers looking to make better thumbnails.

For now, however, would love for you to check out the site and let me know what you think:


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