Nights & Weekends S5: Back to the beginning

We're in week 3 of nights and weekends S5, launch week, but I'm heading back to the beginning!

It's looking very likely that the Playlist Kit application, won't be approved by Spotify, at the very earliest, until August.

Demo day is just 24 days from now, July 27th. Clearly this isn't going to work.

Since I'm short on time, I'm going to build a tool that I want, and need. I should be able to power through the build without having to take a lot of time figuring out features and requirements from potential users...

There are a ton of social media scheduling tools, but none work how I'd like them to work.

There are 2 key features that are missing from other tools that I would like to add.

Resharing evergreen content

Most scheduling tools focus on having a queue of future posts of new content that will be shared on the date and time you specify. This is great for people with new information they want to share at a specific time.

I prefer to share new posts manually when I want it to be shared (I've rarely used a scheduler for this). However, on Twitter and other platforms, because of the way the feeds work, only about 20% of your followers will see those posts.

I would rather add content to a collection and then re-share that content on a regular basis, so that more of my followers will actually see that content.

No set Schedule

Again, with most scheduling tools, you need to create a set schedule with slots.

For example, every Monday at 1pm, every Tuesday at 3pm, etc. content will be published.

I don't want content shared on a set schedule. This can often interfere with my activity on social media. I might be replying to other people's posts, taking part in a Twitter Space, or just making a post of my own.

I don't want something unrelated to just appear on my timeline, as well. Furthermore, I would prefer that content, be shared automatically when I'm not active. To fill the gap, when I can't be active.

Wouldn't it be nice, for example, if while I was sleeping content would be published that readers who might not normally see that content because of timezone differences.

There are other core features required for social media scheduling, but those are pretty standardized now, and shouldn't run into any problems.

I was concerned about hitting more platform risk with this idea, but I think focusing on Twitter for now, the platform risk is somewhat eliminated.

The pricing structure, and usage restrictions has been set since the Elon Musk take over, and these are unlikely to change for the foreseeable future. I know I can get API keys, and the application approval process requires a credit card and not much else.

I already have a name and branding in mind for this, it's an idea I've had for a while.

Will share more details in the next post.


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